Team Workout Tuesday
I’ve started a social platform exclusively for our team members here. You can access via and app on your phone or on the computer. This is for our team members and coaches only, and does not require you to be on another kind of social media platform to participate! I will share workouts, track your progress, and we can chat, and encourage each other to… Be More!
Team Workout - Do 3-4x this week to keep up your fitness, strength, and mental health!
1. Cardio : Run/Bike for 30 minutes
2. Conditioning Assignment:
Warm up with 100 jumping jacks (make sure you have plenty of room, I don't want you to hit the ceiling fan, the dog, or your sibling!)
- 15 v-ups
- 15 down dog push ups
- 15 candlestick burpees
- 15 down dog to plank
*Repeat 4x
3. Splits
- I challenge each of you to get your splits ALL the way down, while we are on this break! You have no excuses now! When we come back, I will be able to tell who worked on them and who didn't!
4. Visualization
- go through each routine 3x (1 super S-L-O-W, and 2 at regular speed)
- Visualize your most difficult skill on each event. Think about what body shapes you need to be in. x 5 for each event.
5. Journal
Make a list of the activities you most enjoy at the gym, from the time you walk in till the time you leave. (Talking with friends, saying Hi to Miss Jen, doing the warm up dance, presses, flyaways...). Then, Circle the anything that you can safely do at home, This will NOT include anything going upside down!
Share your progress here! Let me know what you have done and how it is going! Miss you all! Stay safe!
Be More,
Miss Jen